Rahanni Celestial Healing
45 minutes £35
3 session block £99
Rahanni is a hands on healing therapy which works on a high vibration. It balances the masculine and feminine aspects of every man, woman and child releasing our fears and any negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences. This allows us to live our true essence. It balances the male and female sides of ourselves and helps us to release negativity and fear from our heart centre. It is a powerful healing and has helped a lot of clients move forward doing what they are meant to do by releasing the past.
Everyone can benefit from Rahanni especially children as they are open to these higher energies. It has been known to benefit those children diagnosed with hyperactivity and ADD. Rahanni not only heals physical problems but works on an emotional level too. Rahanni needs to be experienced to be appreciated.
Many people find their attitude to life and its problems change for the better as a result of receiving Rahanni Celestial Healing.
Three sessions are recommended to get the complete benefit of having Rahanni Celestial healing to balance the mind, body and soul.
Usui Reiki Healing
45 minutes £35
3 session block £99
“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing, This tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication.
We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being.
There are many variations of Reiki, but in essence Reiki treatments can help the body emotionally or spiritually. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system.
Reiki treatment is a process that anyone can enjoy in the normal course of their life. Reiki can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatment and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery.
Three sessions are recommended to get the complete benefit of Reiki healing to balance the mind, body and soul.
Chakra Balancing
60 minutes £45
Using a combination of tuning forks, crystals, hands on healing, massage and aromatherapy can help remove energetic blockages within your physical, emotional or energy body.
Laura Jane is pleased to introduce our latest luxury spa treatment the ‘Chakra Balancing Treatment’.
Deeply meditative, this experience brings the body’s seven main Chakras into alignment through a fluid combination of massage, specific essential oil blends and healing crystals. This unique experience will leave you feeling calm and in a state of harmony, resulting in an increased feeling of wellbeing.
Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras. When we talk about treating chakras we are referring to treating your energetic body. The body is not only made up of the physical body, we have an energy that extends beyond our physical wellbeing.
There are 7 main energy centres or chakras that run along the spine:
1. Root Chakra – Sits at the base of your spine or tailbone.
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as problems in the legs, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts and prostate gland.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as feelings affecting the basic survival needs; money, shelter, food and the ability to provide life’s necessities.
2. Sacral Chakra– Two inches below your navel
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney infections, hip pelvic and lower back pain.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as fear of commitment to relationships, expressing emotions, fears of impotence, betrayal and addictions.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – three inches above your navel
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers and colon issues.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as issues of personal power and self-esteem.
4. Heart Chakra – at the heart
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems and upper back and shoulder problems.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness and fear of loneliness.
5. Throat Chakra – at the throat
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as fear of communication, will-power and being out of control.
6. Third Eye Chakra – in the middle of the eyebrows
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, seizures, hearing loss and hormonal imbalance.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as moodiness, volatility and self-reflection.
7. Crown Chakra – top of the head
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound and the environment.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as confusion, prejudice and self-doubt.
These chakras bring in and emit energy which flows in our day to day lives. Each chakra relates to a different part of our life and being. In time of struggle or change the energy can stop flowing freely and cause the Chakras to become blocked or imbalanced. These blockages can manifest in many ways. For example, the throat chakra is strongly linked to communication, if you are in a relationship where you are not able to say how you truly feel you may lose your voice physically.
The treatment aims to identify any possible blockages using crystals, essential oil blends, massage and energetic techniques. The aim is to release any chakra blockages and promote a free flow of energy to restore balance and a sense of wellbeing. By balancing your Chakras you may be able to:
1. Remain calm within your everyday life
2. See challenges for what they are, and not be as affected by them.
3. Overcome past life experiences which could have left their mark on you.
4. Help others without their problems affecting you.
5. Develop confidence, energy, freedom and happiness to feel good about yourself and life every day
At the start of the treatment your therapist will do a thorough consultation with you to help identify any possible imbalances. The therapist will then use a guided meditation to relax you. Using a combination of massage, energetic work, aromatic inhalations and crystals the therapist will treat the chakras .
To conclude the therapist will focus on the feet and perform a grounding and cleansing technique.
The essentials oils and crystals in the treatment have been used for thousands of years in alternative medicine to treat physical and emotional conditions. These emit vibrations that draw you to them.
The experience during a chakra treatment will vary with some experiencing an emotional release during or after the treatment. The aim is to leave you feeling completely relaxed and refreshed with a great sense of calm and over-all well-being. This is a perfect treatment for someone going through anything significant in their life or for anyone wanting to maintain balance, wellbeing and energetic health.
Crystal Healing
45 minutes £35
3 session block £99
Crystals have been used for thousands of years to restore health and balance the mind, body and spirit at all levels; emotional, physical and spiritual. In a crystal healing treatment, crystals are placed on and around the body to help synchronise and balance the seven chakras and clear energy fields.
A crystal healing treatment will begin with a rebalancing of your chakras, before crystals are placed around your body.
Crystals act as conduits for healing allowing positive healing energy to flow into the body and negative disease causing energy to flow out. The crystals help to amplify universal energy that is then directed back into your body and redirect any energy imbalances.
A crystal prescription will be given at the end of your treatment to allow you to continue with Crystal healing energy in your life.
Three sessions are recommended to get the complete benefit of crystal healing to balance the mind, body and soul.